My name is Don Duvall and I am the sole employee (slave) of GoingBroke Games. I love making games... Well that is yet to be seen, I at least love making game engines and frameworks, and starting game projects. But here on Itch I hope to publish the many games I have been planning to create.
GoingBroke Games' range from Real-time Strategy (RTS) and Turn Based Strategy to Action Adventure. I make whatever I am feeling like, or the story that I would like to share.
GoingBroke Games' are not always free, free-to-play, or pay-what-you-want, you stingy.... I mean, I am trying to make a living for my family. I hope you understand.
I Jam whenever I can. Please look over my Jam entries and try them out. The Jam versions will always be free. (If turned into a production game, the finished production version may not be)
Please let me know what you think of my games. Good, Bad or Indifferent.